Welcome to Chipping Hill Primary School website
Thank you for visiting our website and showing an interest in our school.
Chipping Hill is a warm and caring community housed in a modern school building. We have a long history that underpins our emphasis on traditional values and high academic achievement within a modern setting.
As a school team we constantly strive to achieve the very best for our pupils and their families. Through the rich creative curriculum we offer, our pupils enjoy happiness, confidence and success. We work hard to provide an outstanding education which ensures that each and every one of our pupils achieves their full potential.
Education is a partnership between home and school and we place a great deal of emphasis on our relationship with parents. We believe that children learn best when home and school work together for their benefit.
We hope that this website gives you a flavour of what our school has to offer your child. Please make an appointment to come and visit us (subject to places available).

Mrs Natasha Robson
Mrs Charlotte Jones Deputy Headteacher
Chipping Hill Primary School House Captains vision
We the children of Chipping Hill want;
To DREAM BIG - at our school we are taught our dreams have no limits.
To BELIEVE - at our school we are taught to believe in ourselves and each other, let no-one tell us we can’t.
To ACHIEVE - at our school we are taught that with the support and dedication of ourselves and school community we ‘can achieve whatever we put our minds to’.

Chipping Hill Primary School aims
Our school aims for all are to:
Create a secure, caring and supportive atmosphere where learning is stimulating and enjoyable.
Inspire life-long learning.
Strive to be the best we can be.
Promote high standards of behaviour.
Ensure equal opportunities.
Encourage a mutual respect for others, their cultures and develop a greater awareness of the wider world.
Offer a rich and balanced curriculum that will inspire and motivate all to reach their full potential.
Encourage self-confidence and independence.
Recognise and celebrate individual talents and achievements throughout the school.
Nurture strong relationships between school and our families, and the wider community.
Respond to and embrace initiatives and developing technologies which prepare us for the future.
Encourage everyone to be environmentally aware and minimise our impact on the environment.
Encourage everyone to lead a safe and healthy lifestyle.